18 oct / Crowdfunding Showroom / Kené Exhibition / 19:00 – 21:30

This showroom will take place in one of the nicest gastronomy co-working spaces in Zurich: DasProvisorium where we will have delicious contributions from La Flor – Zurich Chocolatier with its finest chocolates and backeries from Seri Zurich!! Christian Seger aka MeToBe will accompany the evening with a nice selection of music!

About the Kené Shipibo Art

Kené are the design patterns that the Shipibo use to create their art. Shipibo Kené can be thought of as a universal light matrix, expressed in physical form. These geometric patterns are reflected in plants and animals throughout the natural world in the Amazon rainforest, for example the anaconda which is considered the mother of the designs. The fish, Ipi, has designs on its head. The plant Ipo Kené, with the same name showing clearly its significance, among others are used as inspiration.

In this special event we offer you to see and touch a beautiful selection of handmade Shipibo Kené embroidered on different textiles such as placemats, table runners, blankets and scarves. Each piece is made by hand by the women of the Shipibo community during months and carries a lot of love and history. When you buy a unique piece of Shipibo art you collaborate with their community, helping to preserve their natural healing center in the peruvian rainforest and helping the continuation of this special native art.

Get your unique piece of Shipibo embroidery now and become part of this adventure:


I hereby register to the following event: Crowdfunding Showroom at Das Provisorium, Uetlibergstrasse 65, 8045 Zurich, 18.10.18

The attendance of the event is for free but we ask you to subscribe in order to prepare the apéro for you!

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